Forensic Imaging of Laptop or Desktop

Please select the service(s) you require by checking the appropriate checkbox, output method and quantity. Prices for services listed below are per device.

– $899 – Imaging of Laptop or Desktop
– $490 – Extract Files and Folders
– $250 – Load Files (Relativity)
– All of the above


Forensic imaging of laptops and desktops is a crucial service for individuals and organizations that need to extract digital evidence from a computer. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing high-quality forensic imaging services with no hidden fees. You can schedule an appointment today and receive your results within 24 hours.
Please select the service(s) you require by checking the appropriate checkbox below.

Please note that additional fees may apply for travel time, hard drive, expert testimony, forensic analysis or reporting.
Once payment is received, our representative will contact you by your preferred contact method to confirm the appointment details and gather any necessary information.


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